Our Appreciations

Special Thanks to our Community

Special Thanks Header

The success of this project is a result of a collaborative effort. Therefore, I would like to take me to thank each group. I've tried to be all-inclusive, but should I have overlooked anyone, please know that it's not for a lack of gratitude.

To the CLM Legacy Youth Department Leadership: Sis. Allison & Sis. Chacobi, thank you for partnering with me and allowing me to re-introduce The Advantage Mentorship & Leadership Academy to our teenagers and surrounding community. This has been both an exciting and challenging journey! My prayer is that they never forget what was shared and covered in the sessions.

To the Teenagers: Thank you for showing up and engaging in each and every session. We've learned so much about each other during our me together and will continue to develop our relationship as we progress. Your excitement and participation are a dream come true. Many of you don’t belong to this church, but took the chance to participate in the program. Nevertheless, you were committed and showed up for the sessions
with an open mind. I hope that you hold on to what you’ve learned and allow these life lessons to assist you in your decision-making processes as you go and grow. Always remember that you have people that are rooting for your overall success. Remember to use your tools from Spiritual Growth & Development to maintain an open line of communication with our father, God and those in your circles of influence. Lastly,
we want you to know that each session was skillfully crafted with each of you in mind. I love you all!

To the Parents: Thank you for allowing your children to attend and participate in The Advantage Mentorship & Leadership Academy. We are extremely grateful to those that faithfully brought or arranged transportation for your children to attend the majority of the sessions. We realize that it wasn't always convenient. However, you pushed through so that your children would have these invaluable experiences. It is our prayer
that they will hold on to the knowledge, life skills and biblical lessons that they learned and apply them as they move forward. Your support means the world to the program. We hope you continue to allow them to grow with us as we develop and expand our reach.

To each and every one of the facilitators: Thank you, thank you, thank you! This program could not have happened without your time, energy, talents, resources, and willingness to serve our young people in this capacity. The information shared and discussed helped them to see their true value and potential in this world. This type of mentoring can not be purchased or received from a person on payroll. This is truly a labor of love and passion. Therefore, anything that you did to lead, assist, or support in any way, please know that it was meaningful and greatly appreciated.

To Mr. Ma Edwards: Your contributions to our youth are truly invaluable! There wouldn't have been a “SkillsQuest" Basic Car Maintenance, Roadside Safety & Breakdown Recovery Skills" component to the program without you. I appreciate the fact that you didn't hesitate to share your knowledge and expertise with the youth of this church and community. We appreciate you more than you know! May God continue to bless and keep you.

To the Management of the LKQ Pick Your Part salvage yard: Your willingness to provide the vehicle for our program is greatly appreciated. As you know, without it, we would not have been able to administer the "SkillsQuest Basic Car Maintenance, Roadside Safety & Breakdown Recovery Skills" component. We appreciate that you immediately saw the value in making this contribution to our program. We hope to
continue partnering with you and your business in the years to come.

To Stanley Clemons: We were in a tight spot, and you rose to the occasion. You reached out on our behalf, and made it happen and for that we are grateful. Thank you!

To Tony at Why Not Transport LLC: Thank you for your towing services! We needed you and you showed up. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

To Pastor Michael C. Bradford and the Changing Lives Ministries Church Family: Thank you for seeing and believing in the notion that a program like this would have a meaningful impact on our youth. As the old saying goes, It truly takes a village to raise a child. A church is a major component and extension to a growing family's village. Thank you once, thank you twice, thank you a third time for the love, support, prayers and resources to make this happen. Thanks to the Media team for the amazing visuals during the announcements, recording the sessions, and videos. We will be forever grateful. There will be harvest from the seeds sown towards The Advantage Mentorship Academy.

To the Board of the Advantage Mentorship Academy:

Ms. Jasmine Reese, A great BIG thank you for all that you did to bring this program to life. From the Slide shows, to the announcements and your sessions. You are the Best Creativity & Technology Specialist on this side of heaven. The Academy appreciates your "can do" attitude and commitment to our youth. Thank you for your assistance with everything! Your contributions to the program are greatly appreciated.

Mrs. Jackie Martin, thank you for your assistance with EVERYthing! As always, your words of encouragement always came at the right time. Your contributions as the program Administrator are most appreciated.

Mr. Clifton Crump II, A sincere thank you for your numerous and invaluable contributions to the program. You always delivered what was requested and you delivered when I found myself in a tight spot. The program couldn't have had a better Academic & Session Planning Director. Your support and willingness to assist and show up for these young people speaks volumes about who you are and where your passion lies. Thank you!

Additional Helpers:

Sis. Kisha James, thank you for assisting with the registration process and prepping for the certificate ceremony. You are a pleasure to work with and a joy to have on the team. Thanks for making time to be of service. I'm looking forward to seeing you lead your session.

Ms. Tracey Walton, thank you for assisting with the copies and editing documents. Your willingness and ability to assist in that manner is most appreciated. Thank you again and again.

Thank you to the BEST Graphics Designer, Mr. Eli Williams! You delivered over and over again. Thank you to the moon and back. Your belief and support of the Academy is sure and guaranteed. We've had our moments and you remained committed to this project. The Academy appreciates you more than you'll ever know.

Last but certainly not least, An extra note of thanks to my daughter Kayla Madison-Denise Shell, who God used to light the smoldering flame within me to finally put some action to what was lying dormant within. Your words of encouragement, support and late nights of listening to the recaps of the progression and sessions are appreciated. Without you and our "Covid Conversations"; Who knows when this would have been birthed out?!? I also was to thank you for stepping up and leading not one, but two amazing sessions. I don't take it for granted... I Love You and I Appreciate YOU!!

Special Thanks Signature

Our Community Partners

AMLA Sponsor Target
AMLA Sponsor LKQ
AMLA Sponsor Marcus Theatres
AMLA Sponsor Changing Lives Ministries
AMLA Sponsor Toms Beautiful Butterflies
Sista NForce Security LLC Logo
AMLA Sponsor FCB Banks


What motivated you to become a mentor in this program?

I felt obligated!

I was shown so much wisdom by the men and women I watched growing up. More was caught than taught so I felt that I needed to be intentional about sharing the knowledge and wisdom I have, with our youth. There are people who positively affected me that I never got to thank. It may be the same for those I taught but the important part is that I was impactful. I wanted to pay it forward!

Mr. Clifton Crump II (Mentor)