Getting Help from our Community

We need your help reaching our goals. Here's how you can help!

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A little give and take: volunteering has the double effect of shaping the lives of those you help while giving your own life a greater sense of purpose and direction.

We could use help with a wide variety of things including graphics design, social media, technical assistance, and community outreach.

We also need mentors who can help us engage our youth and share information about civic mindedness, occupational training, job readiness, college preparation, and more.

If you'd like to help, please reach out - we will find the perfect fit for the time and talent that you can share with us.

Mentoring Youth
Youth Hygiene

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Making a donation

Pay it forward: investing in this generation will have the immediate impact of a more civic minded community that will continue into the future.

As a key stakeholder you will see the direct impact of your contributions as we continue providing these unique learning and development experiences.

More and furthermore: more money means greater capacity building in the form of more session facilitators, more participants and more opportunities for growth and development.

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Becoming a sponsor

It takes a village to raise a child, and you can raise your profile at the same time by becoming a sponsor and gaining exposure and recognition for your contribution.

We also welcome the opportunity to partner with churches and other community based organizations.

Please contact us if you'd like to build a relationship with us that we can both benefit greatly from. We're looking forward to hearing from you.

Sponsor FCB